I am often asked usually by programmers - What is Data Warehousing & how do I learn it? I explain to them we use all the same tools that you do but differently. That’s when I coined the term Data Sense. It describes the essence of Data Warehousing and separates Data Warehousing from rest of Programming. Every aspect of IT from Hardware / Software infrastructure to Design, Development and QA is done with massive data flows and need for data precession accuracy and meaning.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Why are programmers creative in creating data subtilities

Every time we touch a dataset we are told "in this case x means y else x means z only if x = 999 or else z means -z if.....". Or in plain english a pink cat is a dog unless its not alive (as indicated by its age) then its a toy and its age is -999.

I was told by one progammer the reason for such convolutions in data and he does have his point. "I write the smallest, easiest to maintain most efficient to run code..... I am not writing extra code to make sure the data is clean and meaningful" (I paraphrased).